Nelsons Column - Sculpture Restoration
Nelsons Column – Sculpture Restoration

Restoration of Queen Victoria Memorial Sculpture

Restoration of Queen Victoria Memorial Sculpture

Sculpture Conservation of Queen Victoria Memorial

Sculpture Conservation of Queen Victoria Memorial

Ministry of Defence

Ministry of Defence

  • Bronze restoration of doors at County Hall London

  • Bronze restoration of doors at County Hall London

Restoration of bronze doors at Guildford Cathedral

Restoration of bronze doors at Guildford Cathedral

Bronze Restoration and Maintenance of Boadicea Westminster

Bronze Restoration and Maintenance of Boadicea Westminster

Cleopatras Needle

Conservation and Restoration of Cleopatra’ Needle

Maintenance of Robert Burns

Maintenance of Robert Burns

Bronze maintenance of Quintin Hogg

Bronze maintenance of Quintin Hogg

Conservation of Suffragette Scroll Victoria

Conservation of Suffragette Scroll Victoria

Restoration of Admiral Beatty Trafalgar Square

Restoration of Admiral Beatty Trafalgar Square

Bronze maintenance of Allies in Bond Street

Bronze maintenance of Allies in Bond Street

Bronze restoration of Richard Kirk Patrick Sculpture

Bronze restoration of Richard Kirk Patrick Sculpture

Sculpture restoration of Nelson's Column Lion and Plaque

Sculpture restoration of Nelson’s Column Lion and Plaque

Sculpture cleaning of Sir Napier Trafalgar Square

Sculpture cleaning of Sir Napier Trafalgar Square

Repatination work on Queen Victoria Memorial

Repatination work on Queen Victoria Memorial

Cleaning of aluminium panels London

Cleaning of aluminium panels London

Dark BMA patination at TUC (Trade Union Congress)

Dark BMA patination at TUC (Trade Union Congress)

Restoration of bronze display frames Bond Street

Restoration of bronze display frames Bond Street

Conservation of Charles I Whitehall

Conservation of Charles I Whitehall

Maintenance of bronze on Henry Moore's Locking Piece

Maintenance of bronze on Henry Moore’s Locking Piece

Restoration of Gladstone monument and stone cleaning

Restoration of Gladstone monument and stone cleaning

Bronze conservation of Royal Tank Regiment

Bronze conservation of Royal Tank Regiment

Restoration of Admiral Jellicoe Trafalgar Square

Restoration of Admiral Jellicoe Trafalgar Square

Ongoing bronze maintenance of Raoul Wallenburg Marble Arch

Ongoing bronze maintenance of Raoul Wallenburg Marble Arch

Restoration of Admiral Cunningham Trafalgar Square

Restoration of Admiral Cunningham Trafalgar Square

Conservation of Sir Havelock sculpture, Trafalgar Square

Conservation of Sir Havelock sculpture, Trafalgar Square

Queen Victoria Memorial Sculpture

Queen Victoria Memorial Sculpture

  • Restoration of sculptures at Albert Memorial, hot waxing, re-gilding and sculptural conservation

  • Restoration of sculptures at Albert Memorial, hot waxing, re-gilding and sculptural conservation

  • Restoration of sculptures at Albert Memorial, hot waxing, re-gilding and sculptural conservation

  • Restoration of sculptures at Albert Memorial, hot waxing, re-gilding and sculptural conservation

Bronze restoration of bronze shopfront for GAP

Bronze restoration of bronze shopfront for GAP

Bronze conservation and cleaning Melbourne doors St Pauls Cathedral

Bronze conservation and cleaning Melbourne doors St Pauls Cathedral

Cleaning and conservation at Battle of Britain memorial

Cleaning and conservation at Battle of Britain memorial

Conservation of Eros and bronze at Shaftesbury Memorial Piccadilly

Conservation of Eros and bronze at Shaftesbury Memorial Piccadilly

Conservation of bronze on Bazalgette

Conservation of bronze on Bazalgette

Conservation of bronze on Bazalgette

Conservation of bronze on Bazalgette

Restoration of bronze doors at The Guildhall Cambridge

Restoration of bronze doors at The Guildhall Cambridge

Maintenance of bronze and stone Animals in War Park Lane

Maintenance of bronze and stone Animals in War Park Lane

Bronze maintenance of Women of World War II Whitehall

Bronze maintenance of Women of World War II Whitehall

Stone cleaning and conservation on Shakespeare Fountain Leicester Square

Stone cleaning and conservation on Shakespeare Fountain Leicester Square

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