The Principles of Conservation for Bronze Objects now in Ebook, Paperback and Hardback editions

This fantastic book is a companion to our popular online course, of the same name, which gives custodians and managers in charge of bronze memorials, sculpture and architectural features, training in our niche.
Do You Need A Book On Bronze Conservation?
Talking about how to care for bronze is a highlight of our work. Bronze is a burden to many of the managers we come across. It may only be a small aspect of a much bigger project that is their responsibility. Yet, it can weigh heavy because bronze can behave badly and few get training in the field of bronze conservation.
A quick search on Google provides articles-a-plenty, but many are contradictory, and others, frankly, should come with a warning. THIS COULD RUIN YOUR BRONZE!
As well as bad advice, there are many excellent sources of information about bronze preservation, conservation, corrosion, and technical advice out there in the world. However, few of these sources tie the academic with the practical and that’s what this book aims to do.
The topics we cover in the book are derived from real questions we’ve had from our clients so we are sure the answers will be useful to you too.
Is This Book For You?
This book for those with little or no training in metal’s conservation. It’s particularly for all those custodians, architects, surveyors and managers who have found themselves responsible for large bronze features and sculptures, but are new to the field. It’s also for conservators who are trained in other fields but would like to improve their knowledge through continued professional development.
Is It About All Types of Bronze?
Although much of what we look at is relevant to all bronze objects, this book focuses mainly on bronzes found outdoors – sculptural and architectural.
Another Option Is
This book is an accompaniment to our online course, Bronze Behaving Badly. In the course, we teach you all of the topics directly and with lots more images. More importantly, there is a Facebook group and, if you don’t like social media, a private blog for discussions and bonus material, enabling you to have a dedicated place to ask questions.
How To Care For Bronze Sculpture is out now in Ebook, Paperback and Hardback editions

Our newest release is for owners of sculpture who want trusted advice about how to care for their bronze sculptures. Written by Lucy Branch MA(RCA/V&A) ACR who is accredited by The Institute of Conservation, the aim of the book is to provide easy-to-follow advice from an experienced source.
How This Book Can Help You?
It covers all you need to know about bronze sculpture to prevent its condition from declining. The chapters cover both theory and practise, beginning with why sculpture requires ongoing care through to the materials and techniques we use to do this.
The complex needs of bronze sculpture housed indoors and out are not the same. Environmental factors, as well as human impact, are considerable and the focus of this book is on how to prevent damage which is avoidable, but often occurs.
There are clear instructions on maintenance and cleaning provided for those that want to roll up their sleeves and get involved with the care of their wonderful works of art.
But I have A Question?
The third section of the book is filled with questions we are asked most frequently and the answers we give, such as
- Which Protective Coating Should I Use?
- Is The Original Finish Under The Verdigris?
- Should I Be Worried About This Corrosion?
- When Is Restoration Necessary?
- Is this Patina Original?
- Why Does My Bronze Keep Tarnishing?
- Should I Use Smart Water To Protect My Sculpture?
- Do I Need To Worry About Ultra-violet Light?
- Is It Normal For Patina To Flake?
- What Materials Should I Use To Clean My Bronze?
- What Time of Year Should My Sculpture Be Maintained?
- How Often Should My Sculpture Be Maintained?